Now, with the help of this thread I managed to get the driver to stick somewhat.. In safe mode for example the driver does show up as intel 855gm, however, booting w7 normally with or without driver signature enforcement does always cause a crashdump (bsod) referring to ialmnt5.
I also tried disabling the integrity checks via elevated command prompt Again, no change.. sys Re: 852GM Video/Chipset driver update for Windows 7 PeterUK Sep 10, 2010 10:08 AM ( in response to fergus ) Take it on the nose Intel will not list drivers for Windows 7 so what ever drivers Windows 7 has to allow it to run or not thats all your going to get.. Technically I could use this barely with the integrated standard vga compatible drivers coming with vista and w7.. Intel has only tested XPDM graphics drivers on Windows Vista for the following integrated graphics controllers: Intel 82865 Graphics Controller, Intel 82915G/82910GL Express Chipset family, and the Mobile Intel 915GM/GMS, 910GML Express Chipset family.. OK through all error or compatibility prompts and reboot Once rebooted you will see a yellow triangle on the new device.
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Intel 855gm DriverHi, this must be the third time I am attempting this with various versions of either vista or w7.. Fpe g24102mk r driver for macbook pro Fpe gmk-r lan driver load Compatibility: This download installs version Title to all copies of the Software remains with Gmo-r or its suppliers.. You'll also notice that when you go to display properties, the intel drivers are somehow working and you can set your lcd to native resolution.. Proceed to update the driver using 'Have disk' and install the signed Do not reboot.. I need the driver for Intel 855GM Chipset on Windows 7 This thread is locked You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

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It is starting to look next to impossible to get this to run properly here, in which case i would have to revert to XP Any ideas? Go to the standard vga adapter and change the drivers to the built-in intel 945 driver using the 'Pick from list' option (Remember to uncheck 'Show compatible hardware' to see the list).. If your set up is similar to mine, you'll notice that you don't have to reboot after changing the drivers.. The guides posted here have somewhat helped me so far I am using a Dell latitude d505 with the troublesome 855gm/gme chipset.. Now to the bad news After reboot, the standard vga adapter driver takes over again and all is lost This is where i am. 5ebbf469cd